Frequently Asked Questions

Having a loved one who is struggling with addiction is a difficult situation. We're here to help. Below are some commonly asked questions. If you would like to learn more about intervention, our treatment services, or our speaker's bureau, please get in touch.
What should I do if my family member doesn’t want treatment?
The sooner a person using drugs or alcohol gets into treatment, the better chance for long-term recovery, which is our focus at VIP Recovery. Letting a human being hit “rock bottom” is a myth not a fact. We do NOT recommend it, nor do we recommend that they just have to “be done.” The longer a person uses drugs and alcohol, the more damage to his/her vital organs, including the brain. An intervention done with love, care and concern is effective and can be a driving force to get your loved one to accept the help they so desperately need. We will assist you in identifying and selecting qualified, trained, experienced interventionists to assist. Please contact us for more information.